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welcome to imagination city! where all the magic happens! sparkle searches for colors, lights, sounds, dreams! anything that sparks the imagination! along with her friends these guys can make anything happen with imagination!

she's the literal sparkle of imagination, always helping out with everyone's imagination, hopes and dreams!

she's sparkle's best friend/protector and she got ballooned up thanks to a balloon fruit she found while exploring imagination city

she's a science lover, but also wants to be a wizard, so she's half scientist, half wizard!

ham and cheese burger
these two are twins and always come up with ideas to help sparkle and her friends!

he's sparkle's first and once only friend, he's summoned by sparkle and friends by saying "oh computer!" and he'll be there with some optionss to get out of a situation, like a smarter toodles or backpack

2021 imaginami studios/the wonderful world of tanner bobeen

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