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welcome! im not your maid and im not your mom, this is funny luxury, where we only use positive reinforcement, we used to be cruel, but after the lawsuit, we became nice now 

she's the looniest of all the patients, all because she has that giant screw lodged in her brain

the recent patient that was checked in, he was driven insane by a clown and a skunk who wanted to extreme sports to him

she's half as insane as screwball and as sane as franklin, she's in because she's wanted to stab her teacher with a toy sword for "stealing her doubloons"

he's the most insane patient, he's in here for fighting a brick wall and thinking the principal is an evil wizard

she's one of the zany patients, she's in because she's friends with a plastic tree because she has a hard time making friends

2021 imaginami studios/the wonderful world of tanner bobeen

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